Summary of Nominee Profile
He served in various advisory capacities, e.g. on CIFOR’s certification research programme, and undertook assignments for private foundations, Dutch government and European Commission, including the development of an Indian-Dutch Environmental Fund, evaluating the European Commission’s contribution to dry land management and the 'Africa Regreening Initiative’.
He initiated and moderated the RSPO Dispute Settlement Facility working group, chaired the Assurance Task Force and served/serves on other RSPO committees. Paul obtained his BA in Law, MA Political Sciences and Diploma in Environmental Sciences at Leyden University.
Summary of Organisation Profile
Vision: Both ENDS envisions a world based on equitable relationships and consisting of sustainable livelihoods, and recognises the key role for CSOs in achieving this.
Mission: Both ENDS works critically for social justice and a better environment by connecting and empowering CSOs. Both ENDS supports the work of environmental organisations, primarily in the so-called South (developing countries) and the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. We support organisations through information, research, advocacy, campaigning, networking and capacity-building. The core of Both ENDS activities is in making connections, between South and North, environment and development, and between different sectors of society. Both ENDS functions as a go-between to support individuals and social organisations all over the world whose specialisation is ecological sustainability and social justice. The main focus is the realisation of sustainable forms of natural resource management and to promote policy making in the Netherlands as well as worldwide.

Summary of Nominee Profile
Nursanna Marpaung is the Chairperson of HUKATAN- Federation Forestry, General Industry, Wood, Agriculture and Plantation, with a lifelong experience in the Indonesian labour movement and associated professional responsibilities, which include workers’ rights and welfare in the palm oil sector.
Within her capacity as Chairperson at F HUKATAN, she is active in lobbying, advocacy, and capacity building for workers, besides promoting social dialogue as a tool to settle labour-related disputes and encouraging women members to be leaders.
At RSPO, Nursanna is involved in the Human Rights Working Group and Shared Responsibility Working Group and sit as alternate BOG RSPO from NGOs. She has also conducted training for administrators and members in both HUKATAN and JAPBUSI (Indonesian Palm Oil Trade Unions Network) on the RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C), especially on workers' rights and conditions, decent living wages, and gender-based violence in the workplace.
In 2022, Nursanna was elected again as the Executive Secretary of JAPBUSI on member deliberation meeting JAPBUSI 2022, consists of ten trade unions, which represent more than 600,000 palm oil workers. As Executive Secretary of JAPBUSI, her role includes to engage with the government, the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), CNV Internationaal and the International Labour Organization (ILO) on palm oil issues, including, women and child workers, wages, and employment status.
Summary of Organisation Profile
Federation Forestry, General Industry, Woods, Agriculture and Plantation ( F HUKATAN) as organisation has been established since 1997 which has 120,628 members (Male;92.180 , Female; 27.188) spread across 29 Provinces, 96 Regencies/Cities and 652 at the company and village levels. HUKATAN has for providing protection and the struggle of the workers in obtaining their rights, gender equality, inter-ests and aspirations of workers and their families. Growing togetherness/ labor solidarity and strength-ening unity. Realizing a decent and prosperous life for workers and their families in an atmosphere of national and state life in which social justice is guaranteed, legal protection, and equality of human rights.
Main Activities of F HUKATAN Providing to workers:
- Awareness for workes rights and protection at work :
- Training for increassing capasity building Lobby & Advocacy, CBA, Organizer, paralegal, OSH, gender equality, Social Security, Negotiation and Dialouge Social)
- Organissing and Campaigns,
- Research and Mapping
- Assistance Cases (Lobby, advocacy and Legal)
- Build Dialouge Social from Company Level (LKS Bepartite), Region Level (Tripartite LKS with Asocia-tion and Goverment) and National level (with Association/GAPKI, Company and Goverment by Central Board)
- Building National Networking (example in Palm Oil Trade Union (JAPBUSI) to increassing issues and Lobbying Realizing a decent life for workers and their families that are socially just and guaranteed legal protection and equal rights.
For sutainability in palm oil to cover members and employee right, HUKATAN has join as a member of RSPO https://rspo.org/id/members/7-0021-19-000-00/. HUKATAN also have Affiliate members of BWI (Building and woods International Federation)https://www.bwint.org/fi_FI/cms/about-2/structure-4/regional-committees-80 and now HUKATAN leader by woman as Chair.